• Australia's Last Traditional Broom Factory

    Australia's Last Traditional Broom Factory

    Farmgate and Twine is proud to showcase a range of handcrafted brooms from our very own local and Australia's last, operating broom factory. The traditional method of creating these essential tools is where we place our trust in both their longevity and quality.

    To use an original Tumut Broom is to support Australian made and to celebrate timeless craftsmanship. 

    The township of Tumut is nestled in the Foothills of the Snowy Mountains - Where the art of making millet brooms has been handed down through the generations. In the 1960's there were as many as fourteen broom factories around the country and as this number has decreased over the years, production in this NSW country town has remained strong.

    The Tumut Broom Factory has continued to work at their craft and produce a range of traditional brooms for everyday use ....... from the shearing shed to the kitchen.

    Harvested local Millet ready for production.

    All brooms are handmade at the factory using quality 100% locally sourced millet and sustainable Tasmanian Oak for the handles. The original process of making these now 'iconic' brooms has not changed since the factory first started operating in 1946. 

    Using the turning machine to attach the millet to an oak handle - fastened with wire.


    If you find yourself in the Snowy Valleys area and wish to visit the factory, the custodians Geoff Wortes and Robert Richards are more than happy to welcome visitors. It is here that you will experience the true nature of what it is like to work in a broom factory and witness the journey from start to finish.

    From the sheaves of harvested millet standing ready and awaiting in the back storage area, to the turning and twisting of the final thread that holds it all together. It is an experience in itself and somewhat inspiring to witness the true provenance of this now historic industry.



    IMAGES and SCRIPT 'Farmgate & Twine' COPYRIGHT 2018
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